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Automatic mower – home comfort
The automatic mower is a state-of-the-art product designed by Debug Srl on behalf of Positec Srl from Vicenza.
The design of an innovative project for this automatic robot machine has led our company to face up with solutions rarely encountered in industrial applications.

Some examples:
The Battery control during both charge and movement to handle properly the remaining charge.
In brushless and sensor less engines, the control of both the edge and the wheels must be separate in order to make sensible movements according to the external events.
The control of sensors on the mower first to identify the mowing area, the lifting attempts and the machine rollover and then to handle the different working areas.
The development of a movement philosophy in order to obtain more effective mowing and to avoid obstacles too.
The design of a philosophy that makes the mower go back to its charging base.
The WIFI connection control through IoT to obtain Domotics access to the unit and get both information and updating.

An ever-changing project

The automatic mower project has been designed in different models over the years, with improvements and innovations. Today a wide range of products is available, starting from the cheapest samples without display and keyboard, to the more independent or with Iot internet connection models.